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"NFO offers an outstanding service that is matched no where else in my opinion." - Minion Order

"My ping ranges from 23-29 and I keep perfect fps as well as 0 choke/loss. Registry is AWSOME, the forums are AWSOME, the tools available are AWSOME!!" - Flying-Squirrel

"... after having (our) nfo server up for 30mins people started to flock to us. They were like (our) pings are so good and it's so smooth. I can't thank everyone at nfo enough. You all are hands down the best server / people out there." - Tomconno

"Most GSP tend to have their servers going to the crapper within months but not NFo, they been on top of everything day by day, and their support is still ranked #1 in my book." - IcEWoLF

"If you're thinking about switching to NFO, do it. I don't know of any other server company in which you can get live support 24/7 and have someone ... nicely explain to you how servers work for almost THREE hours! This company continues to have excellent customer service." - kmal2t

"Best service and support you can ever imagine, price could be triple and after dealing with NFO, i would pay it without blinking!! " - Mystery

"Nuclearfallout is hands down the best public server GSP out there..." - ix007

Read hundreds of other real, self-submitted testimonials from our customers!



+ We have a nationwide footprint and many high-speed locations to choose from.

NFO has outposts in the Seattle, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, New York City, Dallas, San Jose, and Frankfurt metro areas.

This table shows our location choices. It also shows the approximate ping you would get to each location. With our high-quality bandwidth, your ping is primarily dependent on your distance from the city of the server.

Running tests to your IP address of

Location Capacity Your ping Example IP
Atlanta (INAP) 40 G (blocked by your firewall)
Chicago (Premium) >400 G (blocked by your firewall)
Dallas (Premium) 200 G (blocked by your firewall)
Frankfurt (INAP) 20 G (blocked by your firewall)
Los Angeles (Premium) 100 G (blocked by your firewall)
New York City (INAP) 80 G (blocked by your firewall)
Seattle (Premium) 200 G (blocked by your firewall)

Some locations use pure INAP bandwidth. We chose INAP for its performance and reliability, and so have many other companies, including Microsoft, Alaska Airlines, Chase, Riot Games, and Sony. We buy directly from INAP, not through a reseller.

INAP gets its high performance by buying direct connections to multiple Tier 1 providers, such as Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, GTT/tinet, Verio/NTT, Lumen/CenturyLink/Level3, and Telia, and choosing the best path to reach clients through a proprietary system called MIRO (tm) (Managed Internet Route Optimizer). MIRO makes frequent, automatic routing adjustments based on characteristics including latency, packet loss, and route stability, and it provides much higher performance than standard BGP methods.
Our Premium locations have additional peering and/or transit, combined with our own secret-sauce optimizations bring latencies down to the lowest that we can make them for our customers. Premium locations should offer the best possible latencies in their respective cities.

Premium locations also have a higher capacity that allows them to absorb larger floods of traffic in Denial of Service attacks.
For more example IPs and test servers, please visit our server listing page. Don't forget that we also have a 2-day free trial so you can give your own server a whirl.

If you (whether as our customer or not) have problems with any of our INAP or Premium bandwidth, let us know! We can often resolve network issues by actively changing the outgoing path from the server, and sometimes even from a client to the server.