What maps can run under each game type?

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What maps can run under each game type?

Post by Edge100x »

Not all maps are designed to work with every game type. Here's a list of what you can use with each.

Note: In this chart, we shorten the rules names to make it fit. In your LevelRotation.xml file, you must specify the full gameRules name:

IA = InstantAction
TIA = TeamInstantAction
Crash = CrashSite
Assault = Assault
CTF = CaptureTheFlag
Extraction = Extraction

Code: Select all

               Level Name             IA TIA Crash Assault CTF Extraction
               ----------             -  --- ----- ------- --- ----------
Downed Bird    cw2_alien_vessel       X  X   X     X       X      X
Parking Deck   cw2_alien_vessel_small X  X   X     X       X      X
Sanctuary      cw2_church             X  X   X     X       X      X
City Hall      cw2_city_hall          X  X   X             X
Impact         cw2_collided_buildings X  X
Evac Zone      cw2_cxp_liberty_mil    X  X   X
Liberty Island cw2_cxp_liberty_statue X  X   X
Wall Street    cw2_downtown           X  X   X     X              X
Lighthouse     cw2_lighthouse         X  X   X             X
Pier 17        cw2_pier               X  X   X     X              X
Skyline        cw2_rooftop_gardens    X  X   X
Terminal       cw2_terminal           X  X
Liberty Island cw2_cxp_liberty                     X       X      X
The DLC does things a little differently. DLC maps aren't included in the predefined levelRotation map lists (TIA/IA/ASSAULT/CRASH/ASSAULT/CTF/EXTRACTION, as you might specify at the top of the LevelRotation file), so you must always specify "Custom" there and construct your own custom mapcycle. Use this chart to determine what "level" lines you can include:

Code: Select all

               Level Name             IA TIA Crash Assault CTF Extraction
               ----------             -  --- ----- ------- --- ----------
Shipyard       cw2_tanker             X  X   X             X       
Transit        cw2_subway             X  X   X             X      X
Compound       cw2_compound           X  X   X     X              X
Park Avenue    cw2_central_station    X  X   X             X
You can mix regular and DLC maps, but we recommend sticking with just one or the other, because if a client is playing on a regular map and the server changes to a DLC map, and the client does not own the DLC, that client will be disconnected.

DLC2 works like DLC1 and includes these new maps:

Code: Select all

               Level Name             IA TIA Crash Assault CTF Extraction
               ----------             -  --- ----- ------- --- ----------
Prism          cw2_prism              X  X   X             X
5th Avenue     cw2_bryantpark         X  X   X             X
Plaza          cw2_streets            X  X   X     X       X      X
Chasm          cw2_flooded_streets    X  X   X
Apartments     cw2_gould              X  X   X     X              X
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