What does the term "unmanaged" mean?

Virtual Dedicated Servers / Virtual Private Servers
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What does the term "unmanaged" mean?

Post by Edge100x »

Dedicated servers and VPSes normally come in two types. "Unmanaged" servers are the most common type and do not come with support for the software running on the machine; this is in contrast with "managed" servers that do.

The unmanaged servers that we offer are like this, except that we go beyond what most hosts will do, and make an honest effort to answer software questions that are posted to our dedicated server forum.

For any hardware or bandwidth difficulties you might have, to include such items as hard drive failures and routing adjustments, you should always contact us through email or our support system. For all other inquiries, make a post in our forum. We will immediately answer emails/support requests and do our best to answer forum posts as well as we can. Our hope is that over time the dedicated server forum will become a great reference, not just for our customers but for the community overall, and that other renters will be able to answer questions there in some areas even better than we could.

Our managed game-server-only machines come with our standard game server support.

We talk more about the differences between our managed and unmanaged offerings here: http://www.nfoservers.com/forums/viewto ... =51&t=4559
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