CS Source - Minrate?

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CS Source - Minrate?

Post by saskcss »

Was just poking through the server.cfg file and noticed one cvar in particular...

sv_minrate 100000

What if a persons connection doesn't have the throughput to achieve such a rate? Do they timeout or get punted off?

Or does this basically just open the floodgates bandwidth wise, and they use what they can?

Only a 14 player server currently. I haven't had any issues so far but noticed I had a bunch of people timeout when I had it maxed. Most likely client side, but just figured I would ask.
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Re: CS Source - Minrate?

Post by Edge100x »

With a very high sv_minrate, anyone on a modem or other extremely slow connection could have problems with packet loss if the server has more data to send them than their personal connection can handle.

There are few enough of these clients that we recommend using a high sv_minrate and suggesting to those specific users that they limit their cl_updaterate in order to bring down the number of updates they are sent (which can keep them below that "hitting the wall" threshold). You could, instead, remove the restriction on sv_minrate on the server side, but you will likely receive complaints of choke and reduced performance from the large number of other players -- the ones with faster connections -- who have their client "rate" misconfigured to a too-low value. For this reason, I wouldn't advise lowering sv_minrate unless you have a lot of modem users.
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Re: CS Source - Minrate?

Post by saskcss »

I haven't noticed any super high pings lately from supposed modem users, if there are any out there still.

Still, I'm assuming 100,000 is in bytes. So approx 98 KB/sec would be the min rate. Considering that most consumer level DSL is over 1 megabit per sec, I should be OK. Just had a few complaining so figured I would check it out.

Mostly client side issues for them as everyone has had sub 30 or less pings, with no choke/loss to be heard of.

I'll have to keep an eye on it.
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Re: CS Source - Minrate?

Post by saskcss »

Sorry for dbl post.

But forgot to say Thanks for the quick reply.
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Re: CS Source - Minrate?

Post by Edge100x »

The game doesn't typically kick out more than 20-30 k/s -- the high default sv_minrate of 100000 is mostly so that its internal calculations don't mis-estimate the flow and put a cap on it early. But, if you're seeing problems with it, absolutely you can try adjusting it downward.

Their line capacity being exceeded would cause noticeable packet loss for affected clients, and you'd be able to see that loss in the "rcon status" output, as well. It wouldn't cause increased latencies, and it would avoid choke. If nobody has loss, that's good :)
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