Rates help CS1.6

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Rates help CS1.6

Post by boyle_heights »

We currently have a 24 player CS1.6 ping accelerated InterNAP NFO server. For the last 2 years it seems like the performance of the server has slowly degraded during that time. My question is what server rates can we use to optomize the performance of the server?
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Post by Edge100x »

In what way has the performance degraded?

Two years is a long time, and there are a lot of things that could have changed for you over that time.

Plugins that store state, or just the act of adding plugins over time, are probably the most common cause performance degradation.

Each new version of the game itself also tends to use more CPU and bandwidth than the last, and this can cause a compounding effect with plugins on the server side and cause additional stress to the computer and internet connection on the client side.

You're right that rates might be one way of addressing this problem. Possibly you or some of your players have adjusted your rates over time and not realized that it led to small drops in performance. However, to know for certain whether rate adjustments would help you, we'll need to know more about your complaint (whether you're experiencing choke, etc).

Your best bet would be to ask one of our Live chat staff to take a look at your server and determine whether there's anything that can be easily improved. If we can't find anything, you might consider a server reset to restore it to its original configuration. We will also want to take a look at your routing to see if it has been experiencing any problems, and we will want to know your rates so we can evaluate whether they need to be adjusted.
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Post by Edge100x »

I should add that one thing that's very unlikely to be causing you problem is the overall CPU usage of our machines. Our server hardware has taken a quantum leap forward in the last two years, which has raised the ceiling for servers to use more power and given us far more spare capacity than we had. We're also in a lull between CAL CS/CSS seasons right now, and as a result our overall player and CPU usage is lower than normal. I don't think our load-balancing systems have even been moving servers around lately.
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