Explain the installation of the SAPP in the FTP. HaloCE

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Explain the installation of the SAPP in the FTP. HaloCE

Post by felipe1995 »

I need your help to tell me how I can install the SAPP in halo custom edition, I understand for its installation it requires string.dll, sapp.dll and the executable haloceded.exe that it really must have, which I need to enter FTP and remove the other files and the haloce.exe executable, I try to put the sapp files but it does not allow me to replace string.dll that already has it and delete the haloce.exe executable so that they run well, but talk for support and they tell me what next "You would not be able to overwrite base executables, we do have customers who run it successfully I believe though." I thank you for your collaboration so that you can tell me what I should do so I can give you the use of SAPP in Halo CE.
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Re: Explain the installation of the SAPP in the FTP. HaloCE

Post by Edge100x »

strings.dll is a special case and explicitly allowed to be deleted and replaced in our system, allowing you to install this or other modifications. You would just need to stop the server before deleting it. You would not be able to delete haloce.exe.

I have not experimented with SAPP recently. Previous versions did not require replacing haloceded.exe and were OK with using the default version and normal strings.dll hack. If the latest version truly does not support using the strings.dll hack, then it would not be compatible with our managed hosting and you would need to go with an unmanaged configuration to run SAPP. (From their description, though, the haloceded.exe that they include is simply the default 1.10 version.)
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