CPU Rate Limiter?

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Canopy Sheep
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CPU Rate Limiter?

Post by Canopy Sheep »

Rust has had a feature where on a server startup, it would use 100% of the available CPU to generate the navmesh for animals. This has been a long irritation for me, and I wish to resolve it. With two servers running while another is restarting, you can definitely tell that another server is starting up.

I cannot disable the navmesh as my player base would rise up with pitchforks and overthrow me. I have tried multiple solutions to no avail (threadmaster, opengamepanel, regedit values, etc), and I do not want to switch to Virtual Machines (yes I'm picky).

I was wondering if anyone knows of any programs/applications that would suit my needs? Any recommendation is welcome. I am running Windows server 2019 edition.
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Re: CPU Rate Limiter?

Post by Edge100x »

If you are starting the server up manually, you could assign it to a specific processor core, and then allow it to go back to using all available cores after it has started. In the same vein, you could start it at a lower priority than other servers, then manually raise it after it has finished starting up.
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