Arma 3 crashing randomly

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Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by J-English »

Im not sure whats going on,but our server shuts down for 5 to 10 minutes every 2 hours or less,sometimes it makes it to 4 hours.We was getting alot of high usage restart 700% cpu usage.So i rebuilt wasteland from scratch again,Im not getting high cpu usage reports in my even log ..but it does shut down as if its crashing.

Our server is set to restart every 4 hours.I have disabled mods etc and i am still getting this issue.
the only changes that have been really made are donation loudouts by adjusting the playersetupgear.sqf.

I have uploaded 1 of my rpt files
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by Caliban55 »


BIS changed the multiplayer framework with the latest version 1.44 and depending how the mission uses this, there may be problems from that direction. This would also indicate problems in your RPT, for example in line 3309 (and many others...):
Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'A3W_serverSpawningComplete' is using type of ,'CODE' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types
There is nothing that you can do in this case, except to wait for the mission author to address those errors and write/change the code accordingly. You can test it by running the mission on a legacy branch version (1.42) and check this.

Your RPT file also throws off a lot of errors with your server.cfg and the use of a semicolon in an array. Check your server.cfg and look if you have a misplaced semicolon in your mission class array, or mission parameter array.

And your dynamic weather function has coding errors with an undefined variable "_weathertype", for example in line 3551.
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by J-English »

Thankyou calibaan..will past the info to the devs.

the dynamic weather.sqf i have replaced it with a default one..see if that eliminates that error
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by J-English »

I have included my server cfg file..i dont think i see any errors?

Code: Select all

// Password for private servers. Uncomment this if you wish to run a private server
//password = "******";

 * Password to protect admin access
 * type: #login mypassword
 * in ingame client chatbox to login as admin
 * type: #missions
 * in ingame client chatbox to display the mission list
passwordAdmin = "******";

// The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list
hostname="NMK server";

 * Message of the day. It can be several lines, separated by comma
 * empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval
	"join our community",
        "our ts3 info";

// Time interval (in seconds) between each message of the day

 * 25% or more players need to vote for mission to become effective
 * set to 1.5 to turn off missions voting

 * Maximum amount of server slots
 * server will always display 64 slots if maxPlayers is >64 and server is empty

 * Gamespy reporting url for public server list inclusion
 * use for LAN server

 * If specified player connects/disconnects and player id are written to file.
 * log file is persistant and appends data on server restart.

 * Specifies the mission rotation and related difficulty settings.
 * leave blank i.e   class Missions {};
 * to enable player's selection from mission list & difficulty settings
 * (voted on if no admin logged in)

// MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)
class Missions
          class Mission1

// If class missions is blank start voting when 1 players connect.

// Do not allow players with duplicate ids to connect

// If set to 1 players must use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.

// If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available

 * Quality from 1 to 10
 * refer to:
 * for codec info. 7 is the best.

 * Set the timestamp format used on each report line in server-side RPT file.
 * possible values are:
 * none (default), short & full

 * Enables persistent battlefield
 * dependent on the mission specifiying persistence, otherwise has no effect.
 * missions must contain either instant respawn or base respawn options located in the missions description.ext file

 * Enables signature verification for addons
 * this will prevent pbo hacks by only allowing pbos that pass servers public key checks

 * Enables BattlEye.
 * You can find more information on BattlEye at
 * BattlEye also has rcon support that you can enable by adding a line like this to 
 * BattlEye/beserver.cfg:
 * RConPassword *******

onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData = 	"kick (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData = "";

// Signature timeout fix


allowedVoteCmds[] = {};
allowedVotedAdminCmds[] = {};
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by Caliban55 »

Your motd[] array has a tailing ;. The Arma engine does not really like semicolons in an array, the array elements are usually sepperated by a comma.

It should look like this:

Code: Select all

   "join our community",
        "our ts3 info"
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by J-English »

I have tried everything..from disabling plugins..using another servers wasteland mission file..which there server on a different host does not crash.Yet ours crashes all the time to the point my playerbase has gone from 50 to 60 to 10.

Is it possible that inidbi can cause this issue?.
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by Caliban55 »

I haven't really followed the compatibility between inidb and the latest Arma 3 version. You could test it by disabling the inidb mod (not loading it).

If I had to guess, I would say it's a function or script used in the mission/added to it, that is causing this and crashing the server in the process. Try to test it with the default Wasteland mission code from the latest build from here:

You could also check with the MySQL server and look if you can find any unreasonable connection/traffic in there (MySQL Workbench will help with that).
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

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I rent a standalone arma 3 server that nfo does not offer mysql.So i am forced to use inidbi.. we only have ftp access.This is the server that keeps crashing.our server is completely dead.I also rent a 6 core vds with access to the OS.I want to test extdb2 with our vds to see if no crashes occur..i know that wasteland supports this for sure.But i have no skills in installing mysql and extdb2..i wouldnt really know where to start.If i can run arma successfully and bring our population up with our vds..then i would cancel my rented service arma standalone.I would like to use a performance exe and replace that with the standard exe file that comes with arma.For starters i need to figure out how to instalk mysql and exdb2.If all fails then im out of the game of renting.pointless having an empty server.I have opend up tickets but it always relates to plugins which i know its not the addons scripts for wasteland.i borrwed a wasteland file from another server owner that he uses inidbi and has no issues..but ours continue to crash. Thnx for your support calibaan!
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by Caliban55 »

The single gameserver instance should also support connecting to a database (MySQL) server. The connections are configured in the configuration files that are part of the mission. You would need to set up a MySQL server of course, but you can easily be done on your VDS (it needs to be configured to allow external connections).

Here are the links to the MySQL download(s), also install MySQL Workbench while you are at it. And please stay away from XAMPP or similar packages.

I would not recommend to use a performance build, they are usually a pain and change very frequently. One might work well, the next one not.... They are purely for testing purpose.
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by J-English »

ahh i had xxamp installed 2 days ago but thats far as it went.Now that you mention it! i will uninstall it.

Thnx calib.
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by J-English »

Im now running an absolute vanilla version of a3wasteland and there have been no crashes at all..server has restarted bang i guess i will have to add addons day by day to find out what the culprit was.
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Re: Arma 3 crashing randomly

Post by Caliban55 »

Glad that it seems to work OK now.

Which add-ons are you using (not that I can help with every mod available out there, there are just too many)?

I would look for scripts/functions that perform over array results that iterate over all... (like allMissionObjects, etc.) functions, or handle objects server-sided.

Also take into account if you really need a function just to add one particular headgear item, or similar. In my opinion it's just not worth it too include a function for something completely trivial and risk using a not well written function that affects performance. My opinion of course :) .
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