Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

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Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by GTGeek88 »

I have a VPS server and I've not used the included web hosting, but I'm thinking now that I might. I'd like to find out how to set that up. But besides the details on how to do that, I've got a couple of questions:

1) You say you "don't support automated or bulk sending through hosted email accounts." As a developer, I have clients that use email for contacting employees and customers. This is not thousands of folks, but they might send 300 emails a day through the applications I write for them (I'll use BLAT, SwithMail, or another tool). So I may send via my email provider for testing (though I will send far fewer messages) before installing the software and switching it over to use their email server. I also run a users group and send mail to our members using one of the third party tools mentioned above. Are you're saying I can't send email this way? I can only send through something like Outlook or directly on the web site via your web interface? Or is it only considered "bulk" when it goes over certain limits?

2) Is RoundCube the email software on the server? I have that now and it's certainly anemic in terms of features. I used to have a host that used SmarterMail and found that much better. Part of changing is to have everything at one location and also to jettison RoundCube. If I'm going to be using RoundCube on your server, it's less attractive to switch. (I also just tried running some email software - might've been SmarterMail - a number of years ago, but I guess I didn't set it up correctly and it got hacked. I believe I shut down any open relay, but I guess there was some oversight on my part. I was thinking of going back to doing that with, hopefully, much better security setup.)

Can you please address those two questions and also point me towards how to set up the included webhosting?

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Re: Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by GTGeek88 »

Hmm, if there's an edit feature, I'm missing it. Just wanted to say that the subject should have said I have a VPS server. It's not a game server (I think you differentiate between the two, right?).
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Re: Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by Naleksuh »

Yes, a VDS (not a VPS) is different from a game server.

By "email software" do you mean the web client software or the actual email server software itself? RoundCube is the web client at
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Re: Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by GTGeek88 »

The "actual email software itself" is not something that I can interact with, so therefore I only mean the client. If RoundCube is your only web client, then I'm not really interested in using your services in this way. It's very anemic software and I'm really already dissatisfied with it at my present hosting provider.

I guess #1 is a moot point if the answer to #2 is that RoundCube is the only choice.
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Re: Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by Naleksuh »

You can use any email client you want, RoundCube is just one web client hosted by NFo. Thunderbird is a popular choice.
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Re: Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by GTGeek88 »

I really don't think you get what I'm talking about. Never mind.
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Re: Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by Edge100x »

Re: #1, we'd have to discuss your requirements in more depth directly, but if you are sending automated email, you should generally do it directly through your VDS or the webhosting machine. Regular clients don't usually have an SMTP subsystem and must do it through the mail server; but, servers have this mechanism (it's built into PHP, for instance). Make sure to set up SPF entries properly for the host that you are sending from so that hosts such as Google do not reject your automatically-generated emails outright.

Re: #2, we currently use RoundCube for our web email client. This is a convenience for some users who aren't very internet-savvy. I don't use it personally; I use standard, non-web-based clients, including Thunderbird on the PC and my phone's built-in client. These work great, and Thunderbird is more powerful than web-based clients. If you want to run a different web-based client on your unmanaged VDS, it is also easy for you to set that up.

You also have the option to use an email provider, such as Google, for just email if you wish. You can do this by setting things up with them and adjusting the MX entries for your domain through our control panel.
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Re: Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by GTGeek88 »

This all may be moot now, but as I was explaining, I'm sending from an external computer through either my current host's email service or through using a third-party product (one of three, most recently SwithMail) and if I switched over to hosting here, it sounded kind of like I would be unable to do that. But I'm not interested in RoundCube and I'm not interested in somehow setting up some other web-based client. In the past, I've used email where the underlying email service that does all the grunt work and the web-based client are from the same developer. I don't know what's going on at NFO. Maybe the email service is from one developer and RoundCube is just the web client y'all chose. But that's all I have to interface with and I've never liked it. I'm really only looking to the web-based client to sometimes get mail when my computer is not available or to check the spam folder or to set up filters (which is part of where my problem with RoundCube is - it doesn't have anything worthwhile in that department that I've ever seen). Anyway, if I just end up with the same type of email, which would be part of my reason for changing, my desire to change is diminished. I suppose my current host may have not made use of all RoundCube's features, but I don't have any way of determining that without some time-consuming research. I just know I've been a lot happier with other email systems in the past.
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Re: Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by Edge100x »

RoundCube is one of the best free web-based email-only applications, and we've been using it for years. Previous to RoundCube, we used SquirrelMail.

It's just a client, like any other client. And we just run it as a client, on behalf of our customers, using a standard webhosting account here (like a customer could do).

I'm not sure what web-based client you're thinking of that might be better, but you (or anyone else) are welcome to experiment with others. We fully support SMTP and IMAP (which are just what RoundCube uses).
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Re: Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by GTGeek88 »

Well, I’m not looking to take your time with further discussions about what web clients are the best. But I do appreciate your replies. Maybe I’ll explore some of these options at a later date. Thanks, again.
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Re: Getting included webhosting set up (I have a game server)

Post by alexis92 »

I can swear by RoundCube. They've been using it for years at the firm I work at and it's never failed us.
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