Big MYSQL Database Dump

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Big MYSQL Database Dump

Post by GT100 »

I was told to ask this question here by John.

I was using Putty to try and dump a 5gb MYSQL database to keep as a backup. I tried using:

mysqldump -p -u username database >

It works but the data was corrupted. I guess removing the .zip at the end would fix this?

I had one other question. The database has a lot of IPs, is there a command I can use to dump all the IPs into a .txt file? I want to whitelist them on my Firewall.
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Re: Big MYSQL Database Dump

Post by Edge100x »

It would output to a .sql file, so you should keep the extension .sql. If you want that to be a .zip, you could either pipe it through the zip utility, or run zip on it afterward.

In terms of dumping IP addresses, you would want to do that with a script that queries your database and then prints them out, either to STDOUT or a file. You could use PHP, Python, or Perl to do this, for instance.
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