What would be the best for me to order?

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What would be the best for me to order?

Post by kidrauhl »

Hey there.

I am completely new to this community and dedicated servers - I've never had a dedicated server before. I'm considering to order a dedicated server for Garry's Mod, but my budget is not too high and neither is my knowledge, so that's why I'm here to figure what would be best for me to order.
What I'm looking for is a server that is stable (doesn't crash all the time and is not affected by lag issues that has not to do with the "natural" lag, if that even makes sense?), DDoS protected, and with a decent amount of space for content (I don't expect to have a ton of addons, but still a good bunch).
So with that said, here are some questions:
  • How many cores would be my best pick?
  • Which initial OS would be my best pick?
  • Which location would be my best pick regarding what I said above, and regarding best ping for players in general? (I was thinking Denver because it looks to be the most central location, but not sure?)
  • Are any of the "extras" necessary?
  • I'm not sure I fully understand what "Traditionally unmanaged VDS" means and what it is I have to do on my own? And what does "Managed game-server-only VDS" mean, and would it be my best pick of the two although it would go above my budget, but assuming that it is a one-time fee only and considering my knowledge?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: What would be the best for me to order?

Post by Edge100x »

For a single server with the highest performance at a reasonable price, with included websync (which is usually important), I'd recommend going with a standalone game server instead of a dedicated server/VDS. A VDS would be a reasonable upgrade later on if you wish to run multiple servers, though.

Specific answers to your questions:

If you decide to go with a VDS, you'd want one to two cores per Garrysmod server. Garrysmod is only minimally multithreaded.
Windows Server 2008 R2 is generally the best OS for Garrysmod, but others will also work.
Chicago should be your default unless you have more information on your specific set of clients.
Usually you will want to purchase webhosting for web-based downloads. If you run an unmanaged service, you could run this yourself, although it's best to do it on a separate VDS.
We describe the difference between managed and unmanaged servers here: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=4559
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Re: What would be the best for me to order?

Post by kidrauhl »

On the standalone game server you have to pick an amount of slots, but how many player slots comes with the VDS and what is the price?
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Re: What would be the best for me to order?

Post by Edge100x »

With a managed or unmanaged VDS, you choose the number of slots when you create the server on the VDS. You choose a number that the VDS can handle in terms of the CPU and memory requirements of the game server -- something you may have to determine through experimentation.

https://www.nfoservers.com/order-virtua ... server.php goes over the VDS pricing.
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Re: What would be the best for me to order?

Post by kidrauhl »

Alright, thanks a lot for your help.

Re: What would be the best for me to order?

Post by stickz »

The most economic way to host a Garry's Mod server would be with the following specifications.

Code: Select all

Two Core VDS
Linux - Ubuntu 16.04
Setting everything up yourself including the web server (on the same VDS), can be difficult though. If you don't know how to do this, or take the easy way out with a standalone; it will cost $0.90 extra per slot once you get above 18. If you don't plan on going far above this threshold, a standalone may be the best option.
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