Can`t connect to NFO-Servers

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Paulchen Panzer
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Can`t connect to NFO-Servers

Post by Paulchen Panzer »

Hello everybody. Since around 3 months i have a very special Problem with NFO Servers. I found out this weekend that this is only related to NFO Servers.

I`m playing the Game "Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm" and my Location is in Germany in Hamburg. My Internet Provider is "Kabel Deutschland".
When i connect to a Server which is hosted by NFO, the Game connects, then the Map is loaded, then i don`t see the Serverwelcomescreen cause then i`m stuck at a Spectatorviewpoint on the currently played Map. Pressing Escape doesn`t do anything. So i have to quit the whole game with opening the Taskmanager. I can`t enter the Lobby or the Game or the Squadrolelayout. Per steam you can see me beeing on the Server but in the Webadmin you can`t see me as a Player or Sepctator-means i am not on the Server.

All my Drivers are the latest. Registry is cleaned und defragmented. There no broken Shortcuts, no WMi conflicts and so on. It really happends only on "nfo Servers". I tried everything: Deleting the config files, checked for broken Steamfiles, reinstalled the whole Game and restarting my Modem/Router. I have a Cable Modem. I even changed the downloadregion in Steam but nothing works. I have this since around 3 Months. Therefore i was able to play on NFO Servers. I heard from two of my Teammates that they had the same Problem a far time ago.
To make sure it is not related to a hanging Server (we are renting an own one) i some Admins if they could shut down their Server and then restarting it. This did not the trick.

So my Question is, cause NFO support would like see my writing in their forums, is here anybody who had neraly the same?
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Re: Can`t connect to NFO-Servers

Post by Edge100x »

To be clear, is everyone on the server having the same problem, or just you?

If it's everyone, it's likely to be a strange server issue of some sort. If it's just you, it's more likely to be a client-side issue and/or game bug.
Paulchen Panzer
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Re: Can`t connect to NFO-Servers

Post by Paulchen Panzer »

Currently i am the only one, i think, who has this problem with your Servers.
As i told you i`ve got two Teammates who had this Problem a far time ago they told me.

I also posted into Tripwires Bug Forum and i posted into Tripwires Ladder Forum in the Support Section. There is a nice Guy who writes Mutators and he asked me if i could join the some Ladder Servers again cause the logs have been deleted.

This is a very odd problem. I happends only nfo servers. Public Servers, as well as locked Clanwar Servers.
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Re: Can`t connect to NFO-Servers

Post by Edge100x »

It sounds like you've tried most of the troubleshooting that we'd recommend. I'm not sure where else we could go with this without developer involvement, honestly.
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