New Machines - E3-1270v3

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New Machines - E3-1270v3

Post by mrchasez »


Do you guys plan on adding any more servers in the future? There are a few big gaps in the current setup and some configurations aren't exactly what is wanted. I hear you will be offering the E3-1270v3 machine. Which is very exciting. Can you elaborate on when exactly it will be in the line up and more on the configurations? Such as if you will offer it with an SSD (really hopeful!). Also what price range we can expect.

Lastly. What kind of jump of power would going from a standard to v3 be?
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Re: New Machines - E3-1270v3

Post by Edge100x »

Our current lineup covers the needs of most customers well and offers the best available price/performance. In the past, we included another machine as an option, an E5-1660, but Intel's pricing for that CPU, and its poor energy efficiency, made it a less attractive choice (the only real advantage was that it supported more memory, but that became less important with later changes to Minecraft).

If you currently are running an E3-1270 and want to run more servers, the best way to do that would likely be by adding another machine. There aren't any server types that need more than an E3's four cores to perform well, and because game servers are run individually, it's easy to expand with discrete machines.

In terms of the v3 configurations, we will likely have an option with an SSD. We're currently waiting for the hardware we need to become available for sale before we finalize prices and options; it should be available in July. Benchmarks have indicated that the v3 chips offer a small 5-15% boost in performance, which is similar to the difference between the original E3 and E3 v2.
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Re: New Machines - E3-1270v3

Post by mrchasez »

Edge100x wrote: In terms of the v3 configurations, we will likely have an option with an SSD. We're currently waiting for the hardware we need to become available for sale before we finalize prices and options; it should be available in July. Benchmarks have indicated that the v3 chips offer a small 5-15% boost in performance, which is similar to the difference between the original E3 and E3 v2.
Any update on when they will be available and the price point?

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Re: New Machines - E3-1270v3

Post by Edge100x »

We should have these available starting next week in certain locations. The price point is still being finalized but will be similar to the v2 offering.
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Re: New Machines - E3-1270v3

Post by mrchasez »

Edge100x wrote:We should have these available starting next week in certain locations. The price point is still being finalized but will be similar to the v2 offering.
Great. We are anxiously waiting =]
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Re: New Machines - E3-1270v3

Post by mrchasez »

Edge100x wrote:We should have these available starting next week in certain locations. The price point is still being finalized but will be similar to the v2 offering.
Day 2: Still waiting. I am optimistic and excited for the new machines =]

Day 4: We are still waiting. The heat is starting to take a toll on the pack. But we are still optimistic!

Day 5: Water is running out and Moral is low in the group. We don't know how much longer we can make it!

Day 6: It feels like it's been a year. I don't... i don't know if i can make it any longer.. water is running low..

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