Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

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Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

Post by arucarD »

I have been looking around the forums trying to at least figure out some basics. I have a VDS I just recently purchased, I am currently on Windows 2008 x64. I also am on the free trial until tomorrow I suppose.

I am trying to get the forum up and running on the server, but I do not recall what needed to be installed to make this happen. I have not done an install like this in over 5 years, so my memory is zapped. lol

I just need to be pointed in the right direction is all, any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

Post by TimeX »

The requirements vary depending on the forum software you plan on using, and they should have a list of everything needed. The most likely basics you will need is a web host set up, such as Apache or IIS, and a database such as MySQL. Beyond that, you may need PHP or other software installed, depending on your forum software requirements.
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Re: Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

Post by arucarD »

I was planning on using something such as e107 or phpnuke. Something simple but that can have a nice look and feel to it.. I will look into certain setups, but lets say e107 for basics purposes..Anything specific needed?
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Re: Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

Post by TimeX »

E107, like most site software, certainly has specific requirements. I have not worked with it much myself to know exactly what it needed offhand, but the information on their site should have all those specifics.
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Re: Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

Post by arucarD »

Currently taking a look at some tutorials, all of them are extensive enough to give me some sort of base. Issue is, they are at the very least confusing. I was searching around for something offering simplicity, certain things such as XAMP etc are available. But I do not know what their memory usage may be and how it would work for a VDS. [I would much rather have the individual functions there than a big package.]
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Re: Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

Post by rustydusty1717 »

You want simple and fast to setup? Why no use phpBB? I've gotten myself down to about 5 minutes total to get one up and running. You need a simple WAMP stack for windows. Windows, Apache, Mysql, PHP. If you have the following, create a database, user and password, and copy the files to the appropriate folder. Then simply run the install file and it tells you what to do from there.
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Re: Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

Post by arucarD »

I dont have those installed, but I would imagine installing them piece by piece will lead to at least some success. But that is definitely helpful, any more insight would be appreciated, I had apache installed, but due to the x64 architecture, it was located in c:\programs files (x86)\Apache 2.2 .
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Re: Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

Post by arucarD »

This is what I have achieved so far :

1. Apache installed and showcasing It Works! when local host and local port is used.
2. PHP installed
3. Mysql installed

Now the issue I am having is installing phpMyadmin, also trying to figure out how to get my website to recognize the location of the files properly.. Everything currently is in htdocs folder of Apache, I wanted it to be on the root folder of the HD.
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Re: Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

Post by arucarD »

Utilizing WAMP server, I was able to achieve semi success on the forum front. I checked out a quick e107 install, the best themes are definitely premium. It is a great piece of software though.

I did a quick run with phpbb3, worked perfect as well. I was also able to configure a free DNS server, get it working properly with my VDS. Primary issue here is, no matter what I configure my domain name to, it is not loading.

Keeps giving me server not found, even after I enter the IP address in the A section of the DNS. But yet the free DNS server works with the IP...
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Re: Setting up basics on VDS [Forum]

Post by arucarD »

Sorry for the basic rundown and constant posting, but I used it to keep track of my progress. Currently, I have successfully managed to get my DNS working with WAMP. After testing the settings, the domain, and everything else under the sun. LoL

1. Configured DNS server by changing the A to the VDS IP.
2. Eliminated all unnecessary CNAMES from that option except www and ftp.
3. Added another IP under A for mail.
4. Drank a monster. [Currently on my second.]

Last part is not necessary, neither did it do anything, but at least it tasted good. lol Now that the website is out of the way in a sense, more time to kill for the server aspect.. O man, Dr. Pepper time.
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