My CS stats errors & TF2 stats

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My CS stats errors & TF2 stats

Post by BnD|Sleeper »

I had been getting many stats errors in my amx logs even though nothing 'seemed' to be wrong. I have since disabled all stats (for a few days) but I would really like to get some stats back. I currently have psychostats at the once a day option which is fine. However, I need in-game stats as well perhaps even linked to the psychostats (preferable). I already have a separate psychostats installation I use for my TF2 server which works fairly well and would love to combine both into one install (my serverside install as yours would be mind-numbing I think). Is there anyway to have both my CS and TF2 save to one global database (my web servers) and for each to have their own stats in-game plugin so the proper ranks and such could be viewed?

I love having everything consolidated and not confusing and complicated as it makes things much harder to trouble shoot when problems arise in a complicated mess.

I have already been "given the run around" by Live Chat so I would prefer a bit higher-level support this time and with forums, I know more than one person can get a solution to their potential similar concerns.


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Re: My CS stats errors & TF2 stats

Post by Edge100x »

With a complicated and not-officially-supported operation like this, I don't think that the Live chat staff being unable to assist you can really be considered giving you the run around ;). Forums are definitely a better place for something like this.

On the Psychostats end, you could try adding the CS server to your TF2 stats in the PS3.1 admin panel and see if it lets you combine them that way. I've never tried it and it's quite possible that it won't because they are different game types, but that'd be the only way to do it.

A quick Googling turns up this AMXX plugin that might provide the in-game interface to PS that you desire, on CS 1.6 at least:
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Re: My CS stats errors & TF2 stats

Post by BnD|Sleeper »

You know that phenomenon that when you ask a question, sometimes you answer it yourself? Well I answered my own question here. I have setup to be my CS servers stats with to be my TF2 server's stats. I got the TF2 stats working sometime ago then being somewhat lazy, I tried to transfer all files to the stats directory as well. It didn't work quickly enough so I just quickly reconfigged it and it was set to work. Then I went to my cron jobs (lunarpages) and set the stats to auto-update correctly. But at one point I hit "Reset all" which set ALL my cron jobs to execute themselves EVERY MINUTE of EVERY HOUR. So when I checked my e-mail a few minutes ago with the logs (thankfully I set it to an e-mail address I do not use I specifically created for those e-mails because they are so damn cumbersome!), I saw over 2000 e-mails. I was like, "OH CRAP."

Then I checked my cron job to see surely enough I did set it as every minute; I mended that and now it should be ok.

My CS stats have not shown up YET but they will otherwise I'll have to troubleshoot.

I also knew those plugin types existed and already had one for TF2. When I found the right one on amxmodx (not one you quoted, too many complaints), I installed it.

I write things sometimes without thinking or without the time (or energy) to actually do it.


P.S. I'm surprised my webhost (lunarpages) was even able to withstand like 6 different cron jobs constantly assessing and saving information. I have a special script to backup my SQL databases that I have usually run every monday but since it was setup to be every minute, it would have saved probably GBs of data. Thankfully I coded it to NOT record TIME in the name so rather than having hundreds of similar database saves, I have only 1 that was rewritten hundreds of times lol.

WC3:FT CS 1.6: or ... ferrer=bnd
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