Stupid A******* Server Guy

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Smoke it Up!
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Stupid A******* Server Guy

Post by Smoke it Up! »

This A** guy posted on my forums trying to get me to switch providers. I told him I didn't want to cuz NFO is the best and that he's wasting my time. Here's the reply I got back from him:
I'm so happy you actually told me your honnest opinon. Thank you for bringing the ModernBill to our attention, I noticed that our bill never got delivered.. And do you really think our website sucks? Please let me know what I can do to make it better. As for the Linux Vs. Windows, it really doesn't matter because either way its running through command line. Linux is slightly better due to the fact we can boot our servers without running any GUI and doing it all via SSH *But once again it really doesn't make much of a difference* Yes we do host off Internap, if you were, how should I put this in a nice way. Intellegent enough, to not only notice the server I told you about was in Texas *not east coast* but even more god forbid you actually read OUR forum, http://www.a** You can clearly notice that not only are we running on a faster internet speed of Internap, but our hardware is physically faster. And lastly, speaking of not looking professional, its not nice to write a nasty email. Here is a simpler way to not make yourself look like a jack-ass, and yet kindly decline.

"Dear Jonathan,
I appriciate the effort but we are confortable where we are, thank you have a nice day."

So, enjoy NFO and paying about $5.00 a slot more than what we charge, enjoy their 'support', ... php?t=2905 Oh yes, speaking of support... If NFO is so great as you so 'kindly' [sarcasm] explained, I have one question. If you visit their server support page, Why do they have six thousand four hundred and sixty posts? To me that says something about their servers. 27 Different pages of support, meaning, problems with their servers or over all company... Oh speaking of which, live support is not needed when we have our clients be able to access us on, Xfire, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, GameSpeak, Skype, IRC, ICQ, and lastly in their own server. So, again, why would we need a 'live support' chat room, especially when no one uses it unless they tell you to use it.

Also, when you write an email, you shouldn't contradict yourself.

"Please don’t post on our forums anymore. You wasted enough of my time already." I, wasted YOUR time, by writing on YOUR forum page. And yet YOU email ME about ME wasting YOUR time? How does this work out exactly? How long does it take for you to read? Because what I wrote was pretty short.

So, again, your right they are definently better than us. Lets recap shall we.
Faster Servers than NFO
Faster Internet Connection than NFO
Less posts (zero really) about our servers.
And Cheaper than NFO. So by far, you are clearly right. [Again; sarcasm]

Thank you, have a nice day.
Your friend: Jonathan Skocik
What an idiot. All well, either way, I'm just giving you guys a heads up. If you think about changing server read this post and I hope it changes your mind. Anyone that would type something this stupid up can't run servers I imagine.
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Post by zilla »

I'm not going to comment on any of his lines but I will say this whole thing makes me laugh :P :P :P
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Post by Oso »

Me too.

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Post by Edge100x »

He has no clue ;). Pretty much everything he said is incorrect and misinformed.

I don't see how he could have faster servers. We buy the fastest dual processor (four total core) servers currently available, and we have more of them.

I don't see how he could have faster connections, especially if he is claiming he also uses InterNAP; InterNAP is not faster for some of its customers than others.

Steam-based servers running on Windows do use less resources than those that run on Linux, based on our testing.

Live Chat offers better support than other methods because it is tied into our other systems. Other chat clients present significantly less functionality and introduce security concerns.

We actually have very low prices.

The part I found funniest is that he thinks productive forums indicate low quality servers. If he were to actually read our forums, he'd immediately see how absurd that is, from the types of problems being discussed and how we are responding to them.

GSPs generally come and go pretty fast. I would expect this one to stick around for less than the average, based on his low knowledge level and unprofessional nature.

(I replaced the name with stars.)