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Post by Edge100x »

I've gotten several inquiries on whether we will be renting out Battlefield 1942 servers. At this point there are only a few things holding us back:

* The servers use tons of CPU (we're still figuring out how much, but 5% of a dual 2.2 machine with just one person is pretty insane).
* They suck down massive bandwidth. These suckers pull down 200kbps when EMPTY. I don't even know why, or how. It might have to do with the next bullet:
* It has a badly written dedicated server. This thing is terrible; it crashes randomly, it has no console support, has tons of bugs, and it is generally just bad.

Hopefully they will fix one or more of these problems in the next patch.

For now we'll continue evaluating it the way it is; in its current form, I would expect pricing to be significantly higher than a CS server if we do decide to offer it with version 1.1.
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BF Server

Post by Cobol »

Most of these leagues seem to be going 12vs12 so the server is going to have to be pretty large... mostly with these maps...

I know UGA clan will be looking for a server... I think the best option though is to get the best server possible, which of course is Nuclear hosting it, and then have 2 to 3 clans sharing cost on one Large Server..

If any clans are interested... please contact me ICQ 47621902

I hope NuclearFallout can find us a reasonable price to share :-)
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Post by Edge100x »

I hope so too.. my worst beef with it right now is that it continually crashes.

Our test server is one for NWGaming, so you should be able to find it under NWGaming (something something) in the servers list. It's hosted on a dual 2.2 at Verio and right now I have it on low priority so it won't lag the other servers on the box. If anyone can give me feedback on the lag, etc, at it, I would be very appreciative.
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