How does NFO's SSL/TLS support work?

Information about how SSL/TLS is implemented on our hosting.
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How does NFO's SSL/TLS support work?

Post by Edge100x »

Free SSL/TLS support

We use Let's Encrypt on all websites by default. Let's Encrypt is an independent Certificate Authority (CA) that issues free SSL certificates that are valid for 3 months and work in most browsers. Its aim is to make it easier, and less expensive, for server administrators to encrypt nearly all their HTTP traffic. Encrypted traffic can't be read or changed by malicious parties between the user and webserver, and search engines such as Google reward websites that use encryption by giving them a slight edge in their results.

We have developed systems that automatically configure and install Let's Encrypt certificates for domains added through the Domains page in our control panel. When a domain or subdomain is added, we also configure it to redirect all http:// page loads to use https://, transparently providing encryption by default.

Traditional SLS/TLS support

In addition to the free and automatic SSL/TLS support, we allow traditional SSL certificates to be used with some levels of our webhosting plans. Customers who wish to use Extended Validation or need to change their site in ways that prevent us from renewing a Let's Encrypt certificate might consider using a traditional certificate. We have a different, manual setup procedure for traditional SSL support.
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