What admin commands are available?

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What admin commands are available?

Post by TimeX »

This is a list of currently known commands:

AdminAllKitsAvailable <0 or 1> - Ignores kit restrictions. Typically, kits are only unlocked once squads reach a certain size and only certain numbers of each kit are available.
AdminAlwaysValidPlacement <0 or 1> - Server will ignore placement rules for deployables
AdminBan "Name or SteamID" "Reason" - Bans a player from the server. You must use quotes for the name and reason.
AdminBanById "Player ID" "Reason" - Bans a player from the server using the Player ID. You must use quotes for the name and reason. You can lookup the Player ID using the "ShowPlayerIds" command.
AdminBroadcast <message> - Sends a message to the entire server. Will show up near the top, center of the screen and will show the admin name.
AdminChangeMap <map name> - Immediately changes the map to the one specified. You can lookup map names here: <LINK TO OTHER KB ARTICLE>
AdminCreateVehicle <Vehicle Name> - Creates a vehicle. Not currently applicable.
AdminDemoRec <File Name> - Records a demo, saving to the /Squad/Saved/Demos/ folder. The demo saves as a folder, not an individual file.
AdminDemoStop - Stops recording and saves the file to disk. You must run this when you're done recording.
AdminDemoPlay - Plays back a demo file. You must transfer the demo from the server to your local computer. Demos should go into the C:\Users\<Your Windows User Name>\AppData\Local\Squad\Saved\Demos folder.
AdminEndMatch - Immediately ends the current match. Will transition the server to the next map.
AdminKick "Name or SteamID" "Reason" - Kicks a player from the server. You must use quotes for the name and reason.
AdminKickById "Player ID" "Reason" - Kicks a player from the server using Player ID. You must use quotes for the name and reason. You can lookup the Player ID using the "ShowPlayerIds" command.
AdminKillServer <0 or 1> - Tells the server to stop execution. Not recommended, better to use the Server Control tab of our control panel.
AdminPauseMatch - Pause the current match. Resume with AdminUnpauseMatch.
AdminRestartMatch - Restart the current match.
AdminSetMaxNumPlayers <#> - Set maximum player slots for the server.
AdminSetNextMap <Name Name> - Will set the next map in the rotation. You can lookup map names here: <LINK TO OTHER KB ARTICLE>
AdminSetNumReservedSlots <#> - Sets the number of reserved player slots for the server.
AdminSetServerPassword <password> - Sets the server password. Use "" to clear the password.
AdminStats - View stats for the server, such as current server tickrate.
AdminUnpauseMatch - Unpauses the current match. Used in conjuction with AdminPauseMatch

Example usage

To kick a player, you would:

1. Open up the console in-game, using the tilde key (~).
2. Type the command "ShowPlayerIds" to get a list of player IDs in the server.
3. Type the command: AdminKickById "ID Here" "Reason Here".

For instance, if the player you want to kick has the ID 22 and they were team killing, you may use:

Code: Select all

AdminKickById "22" "Team Killing"

To record a demo, you would:

1. Open up the console in-game, using the tilde key (~).
2. Type the command: AdminDemoRec demo_name_here
3. When you're done recording, you'd use the command AdminDemoStop to save the recording.
4. The demo will be saved to the /Squad/Saved/Demos/ folder on the server, which is accessible via FTP.
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