How do I participate in the TF2 Halloween event?

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How do I participate in the TF2 Halloween event?

Post by Edge100x »

Valve posted the following information about this:
Here are some details for how to configure your server to receive quickplay traffic.

First, the general requirements and scoring systems have not changed. (Your server must have an account and advertise the _registered tag, will be penalized or excluded for certain rule changes, etc). Details are here: ... -AFGJ-3513

This year the quickplay UI will offer players two choices for Halloween:

1.) Halloween 2012. Servers exclusively running the new map 24/7.
2.) Halloween mix. Servers running a mix of all the Halloween maps.

At any given time, your server can only be in one pool or the other. Valve will be running servers in both pools.

Your server will be placed in pool #1 if:
* You advertise the tag "event247"; and
* You are running the new map "koth_lakeside_event".

Your server will be placed in pool #2 if:
* You advertise the tag "eventmix"; and
* You are running one of the four Halloween maps.

The eligible Halloween maps are:

If you don't set one of the two tags, you won't get any quickplay traffic!

Also, I'd like to mention a new convar that has been added, mp_mapcycle_empty_timeout_seconds, which will cause your server to cycle the map if it has been empty for a certain period of time.
Valve talks about setting/advertising tags in the above post. To do this, open the "server.cfg" file in your control panel and add or edit the "sv_tags" line. For instance, you might add to the bottom:

Code: Select all

sv_tags event247
You should only set valid tags, or you risk your server being blocked; this means that if you set the tags to "event247", you should also make sure that your starting map and mapcycle contain only "koth_lakeside_event", and that you restart your server right after making all of these changes. (The starting map and mapcycle can be quickly set via the "Easy setup" page in your control panel.)
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