Prohibit Vehicles

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Prohibit Vehicles

Post by Redbeerd »

In the Control Panel, on the Easy Setup Tab, in the Additional Setting section there is a check box to "Disable all Vehicles". When I hover over the "?" it tells me "This can be overridden by a map-specific setting".

What are the map-specific settings and how do you use them?

Our map rotation is set for only Rush & Conquest maps. When we want to play Squad Deathmatch or Squad Rush, we use the !map command to change the map. Is it possible to use the !map command and specify no vehicles?

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Re: Prohibit Vehicles

Post by TimeX »

Sorry for not replying to this sooner. The !map command does not allow this currently, but you can specify certain settings for specific game modes in the AdminScripts/Startup.txt file with the levelVars.set command. In your case, you would just need to add this line with the other levelVars.set commands in the file:

levelVars.set gamemode SQUADRUSH vehiclesDisabled true

The only aspect I am not sure about is if there needs to be a space in SQUADRUSH to make it two words instead of one. I should also mention that this setting should be placed with the other levelVars.set lines in the file, since putting it at the end of the file can cause it to not be read.
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Re: Prohibit Vehicles

Post by Redbeerd »

Thank you for your response.

I was doing some research on this topic and came across a forum post "Level Specific Server Settings" located here: ... ebase.html.

In this post it says
Disabling vehicles makes the server “Modified”.

When a server is "Modified" that means it shows differently in the Game Browser, Correct? If so, would it only show Modified while Squad Deathmatch was running but normal while the other map modes were running?

Also, Someone posted that it only works on un-ranked servers. Do you know if this is still true?
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Re: Prohibit Vehicles

Post by Edge100x »

The official server docs that talk about these level variable settings (and about the rcon protocol in general) are located here: ...
Redbeerd wrote:When a server is "Modified" that means it shows differently in the Game Browser, Correct?
Yes, that's correct. It has a different icon, and players can filter by this.
If so, would it only show Modified while Squad Deathmatch was running but normal while the other map modes were running?
That is the behavior that I would expect, but I don't know if it does it right. You'd have to test this :).
Also, Someone posted that it only works on un-ranked servers. Do you know if this is still true?
As far as I know, it has always worked on ranked servers, and should still work in ranked mode. I tested these settings when they were first added to the game, and they definitely worked at that time.
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Re: Prohibit Vehicles

Post by Redbeerd »

I decided to tryout having the vehicles have a very long respawn rate. I added this line to the AdminScripts/Startup.txt

Code: Select all

levelVars.set gamemode SQDM vehiclesSpawnRate 1
This will still list our server as unmodified in the game browser. Once the Bradley is destroyed it take a very long time for it to respawn. Although I would rather have the Bradley gone altogether, this seems to be a compromise we can live with.

Thanks for your help.
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