What's Gandanur, and how do I use it?

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What's Gandanur, and how do I use it?

Post by Edge100x »

Gandanur is a 3rd-party extension to Halo that we offer as an autoinstall option (through the "Autoinstallers" page in our control panel). Gandanur adds power and flexibility when administrating your Halo server, adding new functionality, such as map voting, support for different levels of admins, and the ability to advertise the server as a different version than 1.09.

Gandanur works through additional rcon commands that are used via the normal rcon facility. You can find a full list of these commands starting on this page: http://manual.gandanur.com/. Anyone using your regular rcon password (as set in your init.txt with "sv_rcon_password") will have full (level 0) access and be able to execute any command.

To configure admins in Gandanur (such as to give someone else less than full access), you can use one of two methods:

1. You can set up a different rcon password that he or she can use, which will automatically grant the admin a set of privileges. This is good to quickly set up admin groups, as you can also hand out the same password to other users who need the same level of access.

2. You can add that user as an inidividual admin, which will give him or her a specific set of rights that you can revoke later without affecting anyone else.

The two methods can be used in combination -- you can have some admins in a group that share an rcon password, for instance, while a few others are set up as individual admins.

You'll be specifying the access level when adding the secondary rcon password (#1) or individual admin (#2). The access level is a number from 0 to 10 and represents which lists of commands the user can draw from.

This page fully describes how to set up admins under both methods: http://manual.gandanur.com/. In a nutshell, use commands like these (which can be entered either through the in-game rcon or via the Gandanur remote control facility).

#1: sv_rcon_add password [level]

This will add a new rcon password to the list. "level" is optional and defaults to 0.

Example: sv_rcon_add password123 0

#2: sv_admin_add hash username password level remote

This will add an individual admin, given his CD key hash, name, admin level, and whether he should be allowed to use the remote control facility (as "true" or "false"). You can find the CD key hash by having the player join the server and looking in the data\haloserver.log file in the server FTP.

Example: sv_admin_add HASH Alpha password123 0 true
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