How did my payment fail when my bank says it went through?

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How did my payment fail when my bank says it went through?

Post by Edge100x »

If you go to your bank's website and see a charge from NFO in a "pending" or "authorized" section, this means that we requested the funds, and your bank authorized us to proceed. If the same payment shows as failed in our system, this means that our bank/payment processor rejected the charge after the authorization was made, for some other reason.

Usually our processor will reject payments because the CVV2 code that didn't match, or the address didn't match. The error message should provide further information on what went wrong, and you should correct your payment source, then reattempt the payment.

Since the payment was authorized but never collected (never "captured"), your bank will time it out and it will disappear from your "pending" list after some period of time. The amount of time varies from bank to bank, but is usually one to three days. We do not have a way to accelerate that process.
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Re: How did my payment fail when my bank says it went throug

Post by Edge100x »

We have worked with our payment processor to adjust their system so that it should no longer reserve funds for some of these rejected payments -- this benefits customers with debit cards, who might otherwise see money tied up temporarily due to the authorization.
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