I bounced a check and now can't use Paypal. How do I pay?

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I bounced a check and now can't use Paypal. How do I pay?

Post by Edge100x »

If we will not allow you to use a Paypal billing agreement, you have two main choices on how to pay.
  1. Using a credit/debit card directly. Simply create a new payment source with a VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express branded card, and use that to back your subscription. Prepaid gift cards, such as can be purchased from virtually any retailer, will also work, as long as the card issuer will allow you to register an address with the card (most do).
  2. Paying through donated funds. To do this, you will still need to attach to your subscription a credit/debit card, but it doesn't need to be a valid one; it can be a cancelled card, or a prepaid card with no funds remaining. Donate enough funds to yourself through Paypal to cover the service via the donations section of the Payments page or through https://www.nfoservers.com/donate.pl, then start your subscription, specifying your valid or invalid credit/debit card payment source. That card will not actually be charged as long as the full payment amount is available in your coffer. Repeat the donation process before making future payments (you should also consider purchasing more than one month at once, to reduce the frequency of these donations).
If you use another method for another six months without problems, we may be able to allow you to use Paypal as a primary source again.
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