Mumble prebuy questions

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Mumble prebuy questions

Post by error311 »

Can you change the audio bandwidth ? I believe 128kbit/s is max for any mumble server. Can you add HTML to welcome message ? How is the uptime of your servers ? Do you say 99% uptime atleast ? I was with gameservers and my server crashed alot and was very unacceptable. Im debating on here or Command Channel so any feedback would be nice.

Also could anybody show me an picture of the mumble control panel on NFO site ? Show some of the good options maybe ?
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Re: Mumble prebuy questions

Post by Edge100x »

error311 wrote:Can you change the audio bandwidth ? I believe 128kbit/s is max for any mumble server.
We do not restrict this, so you can adjust it to as high as Murmur allows.
Can you add HTML to welcome message ?
Yes, Murmur allows this.
How is the uptime of your servers ? Do you say 99% uptime atleast ?
We don't see crashes with our Murmur servers. The uptime is easily 99%, and probably closer to 99.99%.
Also could anybody show me an picture of the mumble control panel on NFO site ? Show some of the good options maybe ?
The control panel is simple, since most options are set through the client. It allows .ini settings to be configured via the "Easy setup" page, as well as the creation of users there, it allows the server status to be viewed through the "Status" page, and the server can be restarted through the "Server control" page. Other users can also be granted access to the control panel through the "Panel access" page, as with other server types here.
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