dedicated server problem!!

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dedicated server problem!!

Post by SYN_Bliss »

Basically, our game IL-2, uses a program called hyperlobby to show our game server online (similar to gamespy on FPS games) and after a windows update we cannot connect to hyperlobby (basically it says hyperlobby timed out please check your firewall settings) We even reinstalled hyperlobby and added an exception for it and it still won't connect.. Basically if we tracert (on the server pc) it times out and on our squad's personal pc's it is fine.. Also you cannot even connect to the website from our virtual machine, but from our home machines it's fine.. It's as if it is blacklisted/blocked now.. Basically something on the server / configuration change has blocked our hyperlobby connection and our server won't connect anymore..

Please help !

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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by Edge100x »

Have you tried turning off the Windows firewall entirely? You can do this by:

1. Going to Start->Settings->Control panel->Network connections->Local Area Connection
2. Clicking the "Advanced" tab
3. Clicking "Settings...", turning it to "Off" and, and clicking "ok" out of everything

If this doesn't help, then please let me know where the outbound tracert is timing out.

Are you able to use the internet successfully on your server, apart from this?
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by SYN_Bliss »

I will try that.. Thanks!

As far as outbound internet on the server it appears fine..

I'll let you know what happens..
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by SYN_Bliss »

The firewall was already set to off so that's not it..

Hop 7 on the traceroute with an ip of is where it times out..
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by Edge100x »

I've run some tests from other locations and it looks like the host you are connecting to is having problems with one of its upstreams (it may be overloaded and dropping nearly all of its packets, for instance). Here is what I see from Dallas:

Code: Select all


NFO win32 trace tool v2.04, copyright (c)2005 Nuclearfallout Enterprises, Inc.

Tracing route to []
with up to 30 hops:

 1   0.2 ms   0.2 ms   1.8 ms []
 2   0.3 ms   0.2 ms   0.2 ms []
 3   0.3 ms   0.2 ms   0.3 ms []
 4 129.0 ms 124.9 ms 124.6 ms []
 5   *        *        *       Request timed out.
 6   *        *        *       Request timed out.
 7   *        *        *       Request timed out.
 8   *        *        *       Request timed out.
 9   *        *        *       Request timed out.
10   *        *        *       Request timed out.
Whereas a trace from NYC goes several hops further in:

Code: Select all


NFO win32 trace tool v2.04, copyright (c)2005 Nuclearfallout Enterprises, Inc.

Tracing route to []
with up to 30 hops:

 1   0.3 ms   0.8 ms   0.3 ms []
 2   0.7 ms   0.4 ms   0.4 ms []
 3   0.6 ms   0.5 ms   0.4 ms []
 4   2.0 ms   0.9 ms   1.0 ms []
 5   1.0 ms   0.6 ms   0.7 ms []
 6  94.8 ms  85.0 ms  84.7 ms []
 7 106.0 ms 107.2 ms 105.6 ms []
 8 105.7 ms 106.0 ms 111.4 ms []
 9   *        *        *       Request timed out.
10   *        *        *       Request timed out.
11   *        *        *       Request timed out.
Since the trace is dying after the same border router on the outbound from us, the path back must be where the problem lies.

The trace outbound from Chicago that you mentioned before also appears to die at a border:

Code: Select all


NFO win32 trace tool v2.04, copyright (c)2005 Nuclearfallout Enterprises, Inc.

Tracing route to []
with up to 30 hops:

 1   0.2 ms   0.2 ms   0.2 ms []
 2   0.2 ms   0.1 ms   0.1 ms []
 3   0.5 ms   0.4 ms   0.4 ms []
 4  23.3 ms  22.7 ms  22.9 ms []
 5  22.5 ms  22.5 ms  22.5 ms []
 6  90.0 ms  90.0 ms  90.0 ms []
 7  96.8 ms  96.8 ms  96.8 ms []
 8   *        *        *       Request timed out.
 9   *        *        *       Request timed out.
10   *        *        *       Request timed out.
11   *        *        *       Request timed out.
12   *        *        *       Request timed out.
13   *        *        *       Request timed out.
14   *        *        *       Request timed out.
Sunday is a common day to do maintenance, so that's also a possibility here. Whether it's hardware failure, maintenance, or an overloaded link, hopefully they'll have it fixed for you tomorrow; if it doesn't clear up by then, I'd recommend contacting the site so that they can ask their ISP about it.
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by Repent »

have a look here mate ... 089/9.html

, we have had this working, for a while now, and all of sudden it stops, whilst others are still using hyperlobby, so im doubtful its maintenance, but im no expert.
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by SYN_Bliss »

Could you log on to our server and see for yourself? I understand having maintenance issues etc, but if the server was dropping packets wouldn't it do it for everything that got routed through the problem..

Just try this please.. Connect to on your personal/work pc then join the same website on our virtual machine..(Just so you see that the website is fine) Every other website works fine.. Speed tests are through the roof.. It's as if it is blocked.. I could understand if the server was having connectivity problems, but this instead is only having a problem connecting to 1 website.. All other functions/internet etc with the virtual machine is fine..

Please try this and let me know what you think..
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by SYN_Bliss »

Don't know if this matters or not.. But also the "Xen GPL PV Driver Developers" under the hardware tab / device manager has a yellow! next to it saying the driver is not working correctly etc.. etc.. Is that ok?
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by Edge100x »

SYN_Bliss wrote:Could you log on to our server and see for yourself?
Since I was able to reproduce the inability to reach that host from outside your server and demonstrate that it was a more global problem, there's no real need for me to log in. It would not provide any additional information to me at this point.
I understand having maintenance issues etc, but if the server was dropping packets wouldn't it do it for everything that got routed through the problem..
If one of their connections to the internet is dropping all packets, then some external hosts will be able to connect and some will not. Specifically, anyone they try to reach through their bad connection will not be able to connect. This is consistent with what I am seeing in my tests.
Just try this please.. Connect to on your personal/work pc then join the same website on our virtual machine..(Just so you see that the website is fine)
I have done this. It works for me from home, but does not work for me from any server in Chicago or Dallas, consistent with what the traces I gave above showed. What I said above continues to be accurate, from what I can see.

The website itself is fine, in that their machine is running and serving pages. However, the connection between their website and certain destinations on the internet is definitely not fine.
Every other website works fine.. Speed tests are through the roof.. It's as if it is blocked.. I could understand if the server was having connectivity problems, but this instead is only having a problem connecting to 1 website.. All other functions/internet etc with the virtual machine is fine..
I'm sorry for the confusion -- the problem is not with your virtual machine at all, or anything here at NFO. You are able to connect to other sites just fine because this is an issue with the ISP of

The most likely possibilities continue to be maintenance, one of their uplinks being down, or one of their uplinks being completely saturated. Another possibility is that a general peering point between two NSPs they they are using to get to us is having problems, either in the US or Europe. It is also possible that the ISP of randomly blocked multiple NFO IP blocks, but I would consider that very unlikely.

As I mentioned, they are likely working to resolve this. Right now it is nighttime in Europe, and hopefully they will have their connection working properly again within a few hours. If it continues tomorrow, I do recommend that you contact the site so that they can run a tracert from their end and talk to their ISP about the connectivity problem.
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by Edge100x »

SYN_Bliss wrote:Don't know if this matters or not.. But also the "Xen GPL PV Driver Developers" under the hardware tab / device manager has a yellow! next to it saying the driver is not working correctly etc.. etc.. Is that ok?
We can install that driver (which is included by default in our new installs) if you'd like, to increase your performance. However, it does not relate to the problem that is having right now. Nothing on your end or our end is causing the problem with that website.
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by SYN_Bliss »

I understand what you are saying.. I guess my whole point is every other server is up in Hyperlobby.. Hyperlobby is only having a problem with our server..There is roughly 40-50 servers always on Hyperlobby.. So it's pretty easy to tell if some of them are not there.. They are all up! So that would lead me to believe/assume that and their isp is not the problem.. There are many servers on Hyperlobby right now from Dallas, Chicago, and New York all hosting games just fine.. Actually the most popular servers on Hyperlobby are in those locations.. And all those servers are up and have been up all day.. I'm not trying to discredit what you are saying, I just hope you see where I'm coming from..
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by SYN_Bliss »

I would like to add.. I imagine this is getting worked on.. It's just odd, as far as Hyperlobby is concerned, it only appears to be affecting us and not the other US servers..
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by Edge100x »

I hope they get it fixed soon as well. Yes, it's certainly unusual, but routing problems are sometimes very specific like this.

You might consider contacting them sooner, if you think they might have intentionally done this as a block. They will be able to tell a lot more from their side.
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by SYN_Bliss »

The way I understand it, Hyperlobby was programmed and then left to run on it's own.. I don't think anyone truly manages it anymore.. Forums aren't up/modules on their web page don't work.. I don't think there's a way to contact them is my point.. There is only 1 IP address that connects for all of Hyperlobby games which is a bummer that our server just happens to not connect to it at this time.. So I guess if this doesn't get fixed by tomorrow am how big of a deal would it be to change locations? Say New York for instance? Would we lose all our info or could it simply be transferred over? If this is a problem with the Chicago area, at least we could fix it by moving the server correct? Thanks in advance for the help!
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Re: dedicated server problem!!

Post by SYN_Bliss »

Also here is a trace of from my pc at home compared to the dedicated server.. The routing, once in Europe, is virtually identical almost down to the exact same IP.. Seems very odd that only the server is not getting through when I can at home taking the same route..
1st my trace from my personal cp:
Now from the dedicated server:
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