Ping and stability

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Ping and stability

Post by Inputnamehere »


So my friend has a vps with a company using another host in Chicago and all his friends shared between us, one from Los Angeles gets 18-25 ping to his server and another from southern ontario gets 9-25 ping. Basically everyone gets low ping, server tickrate is 64. On my server in Chicago everyone has 10+ more ping, same people as well as randoms.

Any idea why my NFO Chicago server is doing this? Or is this something special they're host did.
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Re: Ping and stability

Post by Edge100x »

If everyone is getting what appears to be a higher latency in-game, the other server is probably running at a different tickrate/FPS or rate settings. What game is this?

Routing-wise, our Chicago location really is about as good as it gets. We can take a look at the traces to see if any of the players could get individual improvements, but in general, everyone will get the same or lower latencies here than at other hosts.
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Re: Ping and stability

Post by Inputnamehere »

It's counter-strike:go and had a tickrate of 64.

I was just wondering because apart from our csgo server we also have a teamspeak server that by checking client connection info, users near chicago like in MN or western Canada have upwords ping of 50+ and in game they have around 30. Lower on the other host I was talking about.

But, yeah I know I'm comparing two different applications, but I just want the lowest possible ping for all my users.
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Re: Ping and stability

Post by kraze »

Best thing to do is to get us a few traceroutes, one to your server and one to the other server, along with the users home IP address. From there we can compare the both and see if any changes can be made.
@Kraze^NFo> Juski has a very valid point
@Juski> Got my new signature, thanks!
@Kraze^NFo> Out of context!
@Juski> Doesn't matter!
@Juski> You said I had a valid point! You can't take it back now! It's out there!
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Re: Ping and stability

Post by Edge100x »

I'm betting that the rate settings are different. I'm not talking about the tickrate, but the other rate settings. Please open a support request with the traces, though, and we'll take a look at the network.
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