How do preorders work? Do I need to use one?

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How do preorders work? Do I need to use one?

Post by Edge100x »

If you submit a preorder, you make a payment in advance to secure a BF4 server at a special pre-order price that will be locked in for as long as the same server is kept in the same configuration. We will reserve you a spot in our system and create the server by the game's release on October 29, 2013, or a little earlier (if EA/DICE allows us to) -- this is when the paid time starts.

You should not need to order your BF4 server in advance using a preorder, but it is likely that we will raise our price after the release of the game, so doing this may allow you to save some money.

If you have a managed VDS or managed dedicated server, you can create your own BF4 servers after the release of the game, after purchasing slots for BF4. Battlefield 4 slots come from a different pool than the BF3/MoHW ones, and have a different price. Please note that we do not support more than 48-slot servers on managed VDSes.

We talk more about preorders work in another KB article.
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