rising storm problem

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rising storm problem

Post by J-English »

I dont know but since the update,the map stalingrad keesel mcp is saying missmatch,when switching to that map on firefight action mode.

ROGameInfoFirefight missmatch with some code etc
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Re: rising storm problem

Post by J-English »

Also sometimes the gametype changes after a few days or sometimes within a few games.
Its like the settings are saved temporay,sometimes bots on map change dont stay etc..happens after a few games sometimes happens after a few days or a week.

i gather this is a bug ?
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Re: rising storm problem

Post by Edge100x »

The game is still in active development and the likelihood of bugs is high. But, to be sure, we should take a look at other things. I'll run an additional check to make sure that the files are correct in the base folder -- on your side, I recommend backing up and deleting all of the RS* files and letting the game replace them with the defaults on its next restart, to see if that makes a difference.

Here's the changelist that TWI posted this morning:
Full Gore Enabled for German builds of the game
InB4Reset experience bonus has been turned off

Game Mode:
Fixed a bug where players who took over bots could not climb ladders
Fixed several cases where players who took over bots could end up in a stuttering state
Fixed a case where players were spawning outside of play area in FireFight
In Firefight, added Thompson SMG to automatic rifleman - Known Issue that this is not working on FF-Hanto
Fixed Engineers losing points destroying objectives on swapped team in Multiplayer Campaign

Fixed a case where the spawn selection menu would disappear
Fixed Role Screen placing you in another role if you were in it when players spawned
Added a message to the commander that called a recon plane in that lets him know if his recon plane was shot down
Added a kill message when a recon plane is shot down

Fixed iron sights on the lvl 50 BAR putting the player into the cover state
Fixed BAR not being able to lean out of left or right cover with iron sights
Fixed lvl 50 Type99 LMG scoped mouse sensitivity being too low
Fixed a case where players lower body would not animate during machine gun reloads
Fixed an infinite fire exploit
Fixed machine guns breaking when taking over a bot in Countdown

Recon Plane:
Fixed the recon plane sometimes not spawning when called
Fixed the recon plane sometimes starting it’s path from the wrong location
Fixed recon planes getting stuck between rounds
Recon planes are now easier to shoot down
Shooting down the enemy recon plane no longer gives a negative score
Improved damage effects for when recon planes are damage or shot down
Modified the points awarded for killing a recon plane

Objectives A and B now lock when captured.
Increased capture time of A and B from 15s to 20s.
Reduced capture time of C from 30s to 25s.
Fixed cover bugs.
Fixed missing / misplaced sounds.
Fixed a stationary MG at A that was too low

Increased capture time of the Base Camp (d) from 15s to 25s.
Fixed cover bugs.
Fixed missing / misplaced sounds.

Objectives A and B now lock when captured.
Increased capture time of A and B from 15s to 20s.
Reduced capture time of C from 30s to 25s.
Fixed cover bugs.
Fixed missing / misplaced sounds.

Reduced Axis spawn time from 25s to 20s.
Modified the capture volume shape on the last objective slightly.
Cleaned up NoArtilleryVolumes.
Fixed cover bugs.
Fixed missing / misplaced sounds.

All 3 fixed MGs will now spawn at the first two objectives instead of randomly picking 2.
Moved Axis spawn for the Airfield Defences (b) back about 20 meters.
Fixed cover bugs.
Fixed missing / misplaced sounds.

Fixed radios not working in Barashka 16p version
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Re: rising storm problem

Post by J-English »

Im running red orchestra 2 maps ... In my web admin gametype is set to firefight and mode is set to action.Upon joining the server ,gamestyle is firefight,but mode loads up as realism not action.

Then sometimes it does work,strange.

Like you said game still has bugs,but can be annoying sometimes when gametypes and modes change after sometime by itself.Even bots upon map change all disapear when the gamemode or gametype changes.
I know one red orc map fails to load at all.
Even tho in my URL ive set bots minplayers=25.

So far its been ok now,not sure what mode its in since i left for work.
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Re: rising storm problem

Post by J-English »

Oh yes i forgot to mention im running 2 red orc/rising storm servers on my vds.one is running rs maps and the other is running ro2 maps.some of those problems did exist before the update,the auto gametype change upon map changes.
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Re: rising storm problem

Post by J-English »

so far its ok..when the gamemode is set to firefight|Action in my web admin,while loading the map it loads up firefight|Realism.

but after it loads up it loads into the correct gamemode...Thats ok with me,I guess the load screen is displaying the wrong gamemode.
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